Sunday, July 17, 2016

Zomosapiens by David Moon

(picture courtesy of 

My next book review brings us to Zomosapiens by David Moon. We get to see the zombie apocalypse from the zombies point of view. In this book, we see the zombie apocalypse unfold after nanotechnology, which is supposed to help make people younger, goes horribly wrong when our main character Laura is struck and killed by a a car. The zombie apocalypse unfolds as those who are brought back to life, had to feed their insatiable appetite. Though not quite zombies, as they feel, think, and even have sex. This is where we get the zomosapiens term from. 

This is a really fun and enjoyable book. Not only do you get our zombies, there are also werewolf types and vampire types. All effected by the nanotechnology that inevitable changes things about them when they either get bitten, or die. Having the story unfold from their point of view is refreshing and gives a glimpse into their world. Gives us an idea of how their hunger controls them, and how it would unfold if we have actual thinking zombies. I also loved the werewolves in this story. They were also effected by the nanotechonolgy, but it effected them in a different way. Making them these huge beasts that can not be stopped. It is seriously a fun book that you can not put down. Refreshing way of explaining the zombie apocalypse. And how can you not like the term they give to themselves, zomosapiens. It's fitting.This is another story I put in my list of must read stories. Do yourself a favor and grab this book. 5 out of 5 from me. 

Listed below are some links for you all.

Thank you for reading! Next up for our book review series will be author Hadena James. 

Good day boys and ghouls, 


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